El diario de burgos digital
Diario de mallorca
Ten associations that develop their work in the Graciliano Urbaneja Social and Health Center of Burgos have organized the conference ‘Thinking about health, feeling people’, which will reach its ninth edition on 23 and 24 November.
The spokeswoman of the Popular Municipal Group of the City Council of Burgos, Carolina Blasco, has warned this Friday of «very serious irregularities» in the certifications of the Santiago square of the capital of Burgos.
The secretary general of the PSOE of Castilla y León, Luis Tudanca, thanked this Friday the Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda for her commitment to the reopening of the direct train Burgos-Aranda-Madrid, understanding that it is a «vital» infrastructure for the north of the peninsula.
The Cajacírculo Foundation and the Cathedral Chapter have signed this Wednesday a collaboration agreement to give continuity to the cataloguing and computerization of the archives of the Cathedral of Santa María de Burgos.
The central government, through the Demarcation of State Roads in Castilla y León, has ceded to the capital of Burgos 1.4 kilometers of the national road N-120 to generate a new traffic circle in the urban layout.
The weather in burgos
The first printing press was an old machine of French origin (1860-1870) «Marinoni» brand, moved manually, two people were needed for its correct operation, one to operate the flywheel and the other to reach and pull the sheets of paper to print, which was installed in a chalet at Avenida de la Isla No. 1, where the Printing, Editorial and Administration Office was located, two typographers from Madrid and two unpaid clerks were its first resources, making the first print runs of about three hundred copies in A1 format. Its first important news spread was on the occasion of the collision of two trains in Quintanilleja (municipality of Villangómez)[7].
As for the layout, typical of a provincial journalistic organ, it was of unquestionable precariousness and simplicity, the absence of separation between sections, and the evident lack of engravings, drawings and photographs, which were not incorporated until 1933, and in a discontinuous manner. As of June 2, 1940, the newspaper changed its format, from the large sheet type (as it is known in journalistic jargon) to the tabloid type, but with 6 columns and not 7, as in the larger formats.[9] The format of the newspaper changed from the large sheet type (as it is known in journalistic jargon) to the tabloid type, but with 6 columns and not 7, as in the larger formats.
Burgos connects
The basic area of Roa is the one that is taking the current blow of coronavirus. With numerous municipalities in very high risk level, Roa de Duero is the most affected population with 48 infections this week, in addition to the 37 of last week. Data that have motivated, for example, to postpone the theater scheduled for this Saturday, which is moved to December 18. The situation was seen coming at the beginning of the month, when the cases began to grow significantly. The mayor of the town, through an informative note …
The basic area of Roa is the one that is taking the current blow of coronavirus. With numerous municipalities in very high risk level, Roa de Duero is the most affected population with 48 infections this week, in addition to the 37 of last week. Data that have motivated, for example, to postpone the theater scheduled for this Saturday, which is moved to December 18. The situation was seen coming at the beginning of the month, when the cases began to grow significantly. The mayor of the town, through an informative note …
The world
This Thursday November 4, 2021 we have in Espacio Tangente the body and sound performance Muro by frescxs100nada. At 20.30 h with free entrance until full capacity. Walls change the way we think about ourselves and those who surround us. They generate a protected discomfort, a…
From October 8 to November 5, 2021 you can visit the exhibition Smile, it’s Cantabria. Restrospective of Cantabria Finita. At Espacio Tangente (C/Valentín Jalón 10 – bajo) from Monday to Friday from 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm. Guided tours will be scheduled to be announced on Instagram. Cantabria Finita is a…
This Friday, October 8, 2021 at Espacio Tangente (Valentín Jalón 10-bajo) we offer the talk about the offensive against the occupation by Erraki (Red de Defensa de Espacios de Control Obrero). At 20h with free entrance until full capacity. Preventive health measures will be maintained The…
On Friday 1, Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 October 2021 in the premises of Espacio Tangente (C / Valentín Jalón 10, bajo) will take place RESMA, First Fair of Creativity in Paper and Publications. From the platform, a project promoted by the local associations Código Ker, Sio 2 Artistas and Espacio Tangente, we are going to…