Diario el hierro ultima hora
El hierro newspaper
The Cabildo of El Hierro and the three town councils of the island have met this Monday to establish actions to palliate the serious effects that the eruptive process is producing in La Palma, particularly in those affected by the losses of their houses and properties.
The General Directorate of Security and Emergencies of the Government of the Canary Islands, based on the weather forecast and in application of the Infoca (Special Plan for Civil Protection and Emergency Attention due to Forest Fires in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands), has extended the declaration of alert for forest fires to the island of Tenerife, thus joining La Gomera, Gran Canaria and El Hierro.
The Cabildo of Tenerife and the Government of the Canary Islands have agreed to commission a macro-study to define the future of the project for the construction of the port of Fonsalía, in Guía de Isora, and the improvement of the maritime connectivity between Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro.
The General Directorate of Security and Emergencies of the Government of the Canary Islands, on the basis of the weather forecast and in application of the Infoca (Special Plan for Civil Protection and Emergency Attention due to Forest Fires of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands) has extended the declaration of alert for forest fires to the islands of La Gomera and El Hierro -Gran Canaria was already on alert-.
Tenerife south news
By islands, Tenerife adds 152 cases today with a total of 48,562 accumulated cases and 1,242 epidemiologically active cases; Gran Canaria has 39,050 accumulated cases, 173 more than the previous day and 1,298 active cases. Lanzarote has 16 new cases with 7,456 accumulated and 135 epidemiologically active; Fuerteventura has 5,011 accumulated cases, with 23 new cases, and 243 active cases. La Palma has no new positives, so it has 1,212 accumulated and 46 active cases. El Hierro also has no new positives, so its accumulated cases are 469 and one active case. La Gomera has no new cases, so it has 451 and 14 active cases.
People born between 1952 and 1961 who have completed their first vaccination with messenger RNA (Pzifer or Moderna) may receive the booster dose after six months of age. In the case of having received the Janssen vaccine or two doses of AstraZeneca as a first vaccination, the booster dose can be administered at three months of age.
In the case of having received the two doses of Pfizer or Moderna, the booster dose can be administered at six months of age. In this same age range, and in the case of having received the Janssen vaccine or two doses of AstraZeneca, the booster dose may be administered at three months of age.
La palma last hour the day
Canary Islands/ The Council of Government of today studies the Order of the Counselor of Health that establishes the mechanism of implementation of these documents for the realization of activities in all the sectors that at present have limitations of capacity and schedules.
Canary Islands/ The Government of the Canary Islands, through the General Directorate of Security and Emergencies, declares the situation of Alert for Rains in the east of La Palma, La Gomera, north and metropolitan area of Tenerife and El Hierro, from 11:00 hours today, November 26.
Que está pasando con el hierro
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