La voz de galicia la coruña

La voz de galicia la coruña

The galician post

The CFR of Ferrol hosted the colloquium in which participated, from left to right: Manuel Losada, director of the CFR; Isabel Blanco, director of the CEIP of Maceda; Sara Carreira, journalist; Manuel Vila, general technical secretary of the Regional Ministry; and Patricia Hermida, teacher and ICT coordinator at the IES of Ortigueira.

The restaurant employs 34 people. «The schedules are adapted so that people can reconcile and rest. We could be less, but the workers are fundamental and we want them to be happy», says the chef.

The number of infected people requiring hospitalization has risen to 26, with 3 seriously ill in ICU. Since November 28, three people have died from the virus. Bueu and Marín have the highest incidence at 7 and 14 days.

La voz de galicia deza

For printing, the old hand-driven Marinoni press was discarded and a more modern one was acquired, which allows printing up to three editions a day, enlarging the format and incorporating engravings. In the picture, the staff of La Voz at a work meeting.

Since its incorporation as a public limited company, La Voz de Galicia S.A. has not stopped growing and renewing itself. When the death of Juan Fernández Latorre took place (March 14, 1912), the newspaper regularly published 13,000 copies and offered six pages of information. In 1920, the circulation reached 20,000 copies, thanks to the efforts of a staff of ten editors, six collaborators, fifteen administrative staff and around a hundred people employed in printing and distribution.

In this first stage of La Voz de Galicia, the creation of the Galician Library should be highlighted. From the very beginning of this journalistic adventure, Juan Fernández Latorre’s mentality pointed towards business diversification. For this reason, in 1885, and with the newspaper already in his exclusive hands, he founded, together with Andrés Martínez Salazar, the Biblioteca Gallega imprint.

Diario de arousa

La Voz de Galicia es un diario español propiedad de la Corporación Voz de Galicia. La Voz es el periódico de mayor tirada de Galicia y el octavo diario de interés general de España. Está escrito principalmente en español, con el uso del gallego en las secciones culturales y de opinión[1].

Juan Fernández Latorre fundó La Voz de Galicia en 1882 como periódico republicano y progresista. Consolidado en la época republicana con una tirada de más de 20.000 ejemplares diarios, no fue hasta la década de 1960, cuando Santiago Rey Fernández-Latorre, nieto del fundador asumió la dirección, que La Voz comenzó su expansión.

En mayo de 2010, La Voz puso en marcha un canal de televisión digital terrestre, V Televisión. La Fundación Santiago Rey Fernández-Latorre gestiona, además del museo, los programas de Voz Natura y Prensa-Escuela.

En 1993 la tirada de La Voz era de 107.446 ejemplares[2][3] El periódico tenía una tirada de 111.000 ejemplares en 2003[4] La tirada de 2008 era de 103.341 ejemplares[5] Era de 94.844 ejemplares en 2011[6].

The progress

The Consello da Cultura Galega (CCG) has celebrated this Saturday an act in the Centro Sociocultural Mingos de Pita in Melide to commemorate the Melide Assembly of December 4, 1520 in which Galicia demanded to King Carlos I a series of measures to exercise more self-government in the territory.

The State Commission for Natural Heritage and Biodiversity has rejected the draft of the State Strategy for the coexistence of rural activities with the wolf and its conservation, prepared by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.

Under the slogan ‘Galicia moving forward’, the Galician socialists will face their XIV Congress on December 7 and 8, an event in which Valentín González Formoso will be ratified as secretary general and in which it will be possible to see the degree of integration reached by the formation almost 40 days after the primaries.

The University of Vigo will be one of the first academic institutions worldwide to use virtual reality to reduce anxiety and stress among its students, as a partner of the European project VRxanny, funded by the Erasmus+ program, and in which also participate the Polytechnic University and the University of Lodz (Poland) and the Tartu Ulikool (Estonia).