Herrera en cope de 7 a 8

Herrera en cope de 7 a 8

la cope programs

La Cafetera de radiocable.com. Directed by Fernando Berlín. Live and recorded radio program. Pioneer Internet radio station. Born on May 14, 1997 broadcasting from a home. Ondas and International Press Club Award.

Information and opinion. Dieter Brandau analyzes, as only he knows how, everything that has happened during the day with the best summary of the radio, the keys, the sounds and the protagonists of the day. In addition, the best analysis with our reporters, commentators and experts, without forgetting the participation of the listeners, a fundamental part of the program.


At the moment, the reduction applies to the 2020 season and everything indicates that it will be maintained until 2021. In principle, if everything returns to normal -which is already saying a lot- Herrera would return to the salary he had before the crisis in 2022.

Another caveat. Like other great communicators, this amount includes collaborators and members of his team, although in the case of Herrera this figure is smaller, because the bulk of his technicians and his editorial staff were already at the station when he landed in 2015 and are on Cope’s staff. In other words, these seven million are divided in fewer hands and, logically, Herrera gets most of the cake.

The sources consulted insist that Cope’s audience and turnover depend on Herrera and Deportes and that in times of pandemic and sinking advertising revenues, having them together -and for a long period of time- is a guarantee of continuity and peace of mind to face the hard times ahead.

cope direct

«Yesterday Pablo Iglesias uploaded a video saying that we had called him scum and showed anger. Let’s see, forget about videos, social networks and other things. Between yesterday and the day before yesterday we called you twice to come and give an interview as a candidate for this program.  Whatever you want to tell me, if you have what it takes, come and tell me here. If you don’t want to come here, you can come by phone and let everyone hear you», replied the communicator in his monologue.

And to top it off, he ironized about the attitude of the leader of Podemos: «This has also moved me, because this has shown me that you are human, you have feelings. That is to say, you do not only defend stoning political antagonists or harassing pregnant women with democratic syrup. You have feelings and you show pain because you have been called scum. How wonderful, how beautiful. You are human, Pablo».

es la mañana de federico

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