Viajes el corte ingles myrtea

Is el corte ingles open today

The same sources confirmed that El Corte Ingles is going to take advantage of this situation to undertake «a major reorganization of its commercial offer in the Region», as the 360 workers who are linked to the Myrtea complex will be relocated entirely between the stores of Avenida de la Libertad and Gran Vía Salzillo in Murcia, in the establishment of Cartagena and the rest of the business group’s businesses, such as Supercor and Sfera.

The information, already fully confirmed, can take ahead other businesses that share space in this shopping complex, or because they decide to abandon ship or because the debts are not paid and its opening becomes totally unfeasible.

From what Freixinós has been able to comment with other owners of premises that carry out their activity in this commercial complex, «they all intend to continue». Neocine also has screening rooms in the Thader shopping center, in Centrofama and Rex in Murcia; in Molina de Segura, two in Cartagena and one in San Javier.

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La cadena de grandes almacenes El Corte Inglés, posiblemente la más prestigiosa de España, ha anunciado un plan de reestructuración que implica el cierre y la reducción de numerosos establecimientos abiertos durante la bonanza económica de los primeros años de este siglo, entre los que se encuentran los de Cartagena y los del centro comercial Myrtea (antes El Tiro) en la periferia norte de la ciudad de Murcia.

Tal es la envergadura de la estrategia que una cuarta parte de las tiendas de El Corte Inglés se verán afectadas de un modo u otro, reduciendo su tamaño, poniéndolas a la venta o simplemente cerrándolas. La tienda de El Tiro entra en esta última categoría y está destinada a ser «transformada en inmobiliaria» (es decir, vendida o alquilada) mientras que en Cartagena el plan es «reducir el número de metros cuadrados» (y, por tanto, de empleados) de la tienda.

Esta reducción de personal puede resultar costosa para la cadena a corto plazo. En cada tienda de El Corte Inglés hay una media de 300 empleados con una antigüedad media de diez años, por lo que las indemnizaciones por despido en cada una de las que se cierran podrían ascender a unos 3 millones de euros.

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El Corte Ingles sources said Friday that, despite the closure of its facilities, maintains ownership of its 28% of the space of Myrtea, and will continue to meet the costs of maintaining it.

When this Saturday night, at 22.00 hours, Hipercor and the El Corte Inglés store close, they will put an end to more than a decade of commercial activity next to the Los Rectores urbanization.

In October 2018, coinciding with the expansion of the commercial and leisure offer, the El Tiro shopping center was renamed Myrtea, in Latin, which refers to one of the epithets of Venus, goddess of myrtle, which inspired the current name of the city of Murcia.

The 360 workers of the Myrtea complex will be relocated to El Corte Inglés stores. Most of them will continue working in Murcia, in the centers of Avenida Libertad and Gran Vía. Others will go to Supercor de La Alcayna, the Outlet and the Logistic Center of La Serreta (Molina de Segura) and some to Cartagena and Elche.

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In fact, El Corte Inglés has confirmed that the ownership of the center has stopped hiring maintenance, security and cleaning, something that has decided to close its store and thus leave the center ‘mortally wounded’.

El Corte Inglés has convened the union committee composed of CCOO, Fasga, Fetico and UGT and has informed the unions that it will relocate the entire staff of the center, in which there are departments of food, culture and leisure, sports, fashion and accessories, electronics, appliances, home and decoration, computer and Hipercor, among others.

In addition, two new services will be created to relocate workers: a call center in the offices of Isaac Albéniz Street, Murcia, in which between 60 and 80 people will perform the work in person, and other order preparation in the Avenida de Libertad, which will be allocated 40.

El Corte Inglés has assured the unions that in order to guarantee a correct relocation of the personnel, according to the needs and capacities of each one, they will proceed to carry out individual interviews in the next weeks.