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complete movie – gregorio

ARNEZ CUÉLLAR, M. . (2020). Emancipatory project and political agenda in the cinema of Jorge Sanjinés: colonialism, indigenism and subjectivities in dispute. Secuencias, (49-50), 97-115. (Original work published July 3, 2020).

UKAMAU GROUP FOUNDATION, «Interview by Ana Cacopardo to Jorge Sanjinés,» Historias Debidas, Estudios Pacifico for the channel Encuentros, Buenos Aires, 2014. Interview available at: <>

ALBO, Xavier, «Ethnic and social bases for Aymara participation in Bolivia. La Fuerza histórica del campesinado», in Ciudades de Los Andes: visión histórica y contemporánea (Quito, IFEA, 1992), pp. 375-387.

-La invención del indio iletrado: la pedagogía de la raza en los Andes boliviano», in Marisol De la Cadena (ed.), Formaciones de indianidad. Articulaciones raciales, mestizaje, nación en América Latina (Bogotá, Envión, 2008).

-«Cine mudo y cine silenciado: la obra de Velasco Maidana y de otros cineastas», in Aurelio de los Reyes and David M. J. Wood, (coord.), Cine mudo Latinoamericano: inicios, nación, vanguardias y transición, (Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas – UNAM, México 2015).

official trailer – deception at first sight – latin artists

UKAMAU GROUP FOUNDATION, «Interview by Ana Cacopardo to Jorge Sanjinés», Historias Debidas, Estudios Pacífico for Encuentros channel, Buenos Aires, 2014. Interview available at: <>

ALBO, Xavier, «Ethnic and social bases for Aymara participation in Bolivia. La Fuerza histórica del campesinado», in Ciudades de Los Andes: visión histórica y contemporánea (Quito, IFEA, 1992), pp. 375-387.

-La invención del indio iletrado: la pedagogía de la raza en los Andes boliviano», in Marisol De la Cadena (ed.), Formaciones de indianidad. Articulaciones raciales, mestizaje, nación en América Latina (Bogotá, Envión, 2008).

-, «Cine mudo y cine silenciado: la obra de Velasco Maidana y de otros cineastas», in Aurelio de los Reyes and David M. J. Wood, (coord.), Cine mudo Latinoamericano: inicios, nación, vanguardias y transición, (Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas – UNAM, Mexico 2015).

ORTEGA GÁLVEZ, María Luisa and MARTÍN MORÁN, Ana, «Imaginarios del desarrollo: un cruce de miradas entre las teorías del cambio social y el cine documental en América Latina» (Secuencias. Revista de historia del cine, nº 18, 2003), pp. 33-48.

trailer: mina alaska (jorge ruiz, 1968)

On May 20, 1992, one day after the shooting, Mary Jo regained consciousness and gave details to the police. Joey was the one who provided the authorities with the name of Amy Fisher, whom his wife immediately identified. On May 21, police arrested Amy for attempted murder. On May 23, a front page of the New York Daily News rebranded the young woman with a giant headline: «The Lolita of Long Island». Amy was forever in the spotlight.

On July 28, 1992, it was announced that the bail for her release pending trial was two million dollars, the highest in New York judicial history. By that time, the house where Amy’s parents lived in Merrick (Long Island) was already a mousetrap for curious onlookers and journalists.

In September 1992 Amy pleaded guilty in order to avoid a lengthy and highly publicized trial. During the time that passed from the time she was arrested until she pleaded guilty – four months – the case was in the press and on television day after day.

trailer who killed the little white llama?

A ceremony in the Aymara language led by an ‘amauta’ (indigenous sage), amidst the hooting of ‘pututus’ (beef horn) and myrrh and nopal incense, closed the activities of the historic Palacio Quemado, which owes its name to the fact that it was set on fire in a revolt against the liberal president Tomás Frías, in 1875.

The party of social movements supporting Morales – led by the unitary Central Obrera Boliviana (COB) – went through downtown La Paz, from San Francisco square to Murillo square, seat of the Executive and Legislative powers.

The same ‘amautas’ raised in the new government building a ‘huajta’, an offering that consists of burning a preparation of sweets of different shapes to ask for the protection of the Pachamama (Mother Earth). A ‘sullu’, a llama fetus, was also burned in the middle as a sacrifice to the Andean mother-earth.

The ruler of indigenous origin announced that in the amphitheaters of the new palace academic or collegiate acts could be carried out and that the newlyweds could make guided visits to the heliport on Saturdays.