Vuelta españa en directo tve

Vuelta españa en directo tve

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Yesterday Clement Champoussin (AG2R) took advantage of the tension of the general classification leaders in yesterday’s stage. He launched a big attack with a kilometer and a half to go and took the win. Roglic, Mas, Haig and Yates were too busy in the scuffle between them to fight for the stage victory, a circumstance that the French rider took advantage of to take the win.

The protagonist was Miguel Ángel ‘Superman’ López, who against all odds got off his bike and gave up his podium chances with Movistar, with the Colombian abandoning La Vuelta 2021 due to internal disagreements with his team’s race management.

2021 vuelta a españa

The Danish rider was one of the seven breakaway riders who kept a constant pulse with the peloton to avoid the mass sprint, supported by a hellish pace. Now comes stage 20, which promises to be a lot of fun for the spectator.

Today’s stage will have its first pass at kilometer 111.6, with a third category pass, the Alto de Vilachán, at 385 meters above sea level. A little further on, at kilometer point 126.8 will come the Alto de Mabia, a second category pass at 439 meters above sea level.

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Eusebio Unzué, Movistar’s general manager, explained how the incident with Miguel Ángel ‘Superman’ López was experienced within the team.  «Sometimes the circumstances that occur in the race never justify an attitude like the one he took, but it’s clear that the frustration of not being with the best brought him down and he wasn’t able to respond to that moment.»

The Vuelta 2021 has left a Primoz Roglic champion once again. However there have been more protagonists during this cycling round. Superman Lopez’s abandonment, Valverde’s crash, Bernal’s fight or Nielsen’s competitiveness were some of the best moments of the edition.

Clement Champoussin (AG2R) took advantage of the tension of the overall leaders to launch an attack a kilometer and a half from the end and take the victory. Roglic, Mas, Haig and Yates were too busy to launch the final attack to keep an eye on the Frenchman, who overtook them on the right.

However, Miguel Angel ‘Superman’ Lopez stole Champuossin’s thunder by starting a rebellion mixed with a tantrum against Movistar that ended with the Colombian abandoning La Vuelta 2021.

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Aatif es un redactor y periodista freelance afincado en el Reino Unido. Ha escrito sobre tecnología, ciencia y política para publicaciones como Gizmodo, The Independent, Trusted Reviews y Newsweek, pero se centra en el streaming en Future, un acuerdo que combina dos de sus mayores pasiones: el deporte y el ahorro.