Castrillo matajudios burgos

Castrillo matajudios burgos

The patron saint santiago

At the initiative of the local town council, and after being agreed by the majority of its inhabitants, the Junta de Castilla y León has approved the change of name of the Burgos town of Castrillo Matajudíos, which will be renamed Castrillo Mota de Judíos.

The Official Gazette of Castilla y León publishes this Monday the agreement of the Junta de Castilla y León that states that name change, in line with the feelings of the municipality, in which the majority of its 56 inhabitants agreed to that new name, in a consultation that coincided with the European elections of 2014.

In fact, the original name of Castrillo was later completed with «Mota de Judíos» (which means hill of Jews), until several centuries later a scribe, by mistake or by trying to hide the Jewish origin of the neighbors of the town at a time when there was a strong racial and religious persecution, changed it to Matajudíos.

The first mention of Castrillo Matajudíos appears in 1623, but the town was born six centuries earlier, precisely as a Jewish settlement, with the name of Mota de Judíos (hill of the Jews), without possibly ever knowing if this change of name between the two moments was an error or intentional.

Apellido matajudíos

El pueblo se llamó originalmente Castrillo Motajudíos en 1035, cuando los judíos que huían de un pogromo cercano se instalaron allí; se cambió a Castrillo Matajudíos en 1627 durante un periodo de persecución religiosa de los no cristianos en España (los judíos habían sido expulsados de España en 1492 durante la Inquisición española). [4] En junio de 2015 se volvió a cambiar el nombre por el de Castrillo Mota de Judíos tras una campaña liderada por el alcalde Lorenzo Rodríguez que condujo a una votación entre los vecinos en mayo de 2014[4][5].

Aux juifs

At the initiative of the Town Council of Castrillo Matajudíos, belonging to the province of Burgos, a procedure was initiated to change the name of the municipality to Castrillo Mota de Judíos, in order to recognize the Jewish origin of the town and considering that the current name is racist.

A contentious-administrative appeal may be filed against this resolution, which puts an end to administrative proceedings, before the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice, located in Valladolid, within two months from the day following its publication in the «Official Gazette of Castilla y León», without prejudice to the interested parties being able to exercise any other recourse they deem appropriate in defense of their interests. However, prior and optional, this resolution may be appealed in reconsideration before the same body that issued it, within a period of one month from the day following its publication, and in this case the contentious-administrative appeal may not be filed until it has been expressly resolved or the appeal for reconsideration has been presumptively dismissed.

Municipalities of burgos

Burgos, Apr 22 (EFE) – The residents of Castrillo Matajudíos, a town located on the Camino de Santiago with 56 registered inhabitants, is trying to correct a historical error that led to change its original second name «Mota Judíos» by Matajudíos, explained the mayor of the town, Lorenzo Rodríguez.

Next May 25, the inhabitants of the village are called to the polls twice, because they will vote in the European elections but, in another area of the Town Hall, they will be able to go through another ballot box to decide whether to change the name of their town.

The 56 neighbors will make the decision, once the original idea that the direct descendants of the inhabitants of the town who emigrated in their day would also vote has been discarded, because «it was too complicated», has recognized Lorenzo Rodriguez.