La voz de galicia opinion
The galician post
Feijoo rules out declaring a new state of health emergency due to low hospital occupancy, but warns that we are already in a new wave. The number of infections in Galicia rises and exceeds 500 per day
Elena Lugovaya and Juan Cruz Alonso are the entrepreneurs behind this new store in Orzán, which invites you to travel to the seabed around the world through clothing, accessories and spectacular photographs.
The students participating in Journalism in the School did several interviews, including one with Pilar Trabazo, from the Epidemiological Alert Service of the Sergas, who came to the center to give a talk on the Clases sen Fume program.
La voz de galicia front page today
The first one is aimed at support measures for workers, families and vulnerable groups, where the aim is to guarantee household supplies, facilitate teleworking, make working hours more flexible and postpone mortgages in some cases.
The second, with measures to make bureaucratic mechanisms more flexible in order to avoid layoffs. These are measures to enable companies to carry out temporary lay-offs (ERTEs) to reduce personnel costs and guarantee workers the payment of benefits during the crisis.
Faced with such an unstable scenario and with such an uncertain horizon, it is necessary to make quick, agile and accurate decisions regarding your business, your savings or your training, which will lead you to position yourself in the place where it is easier to weather the storm and from where you can prepare yourself to, when the economic wave is reactivated, get the necessary impulse to get out of this crisis with more strength.
La voz de lemos
La Voz de Galicia es un diario español propiedad de la Corporación Voz de Galicia. La Voz es el periódico de mayor tirada de Galicia y el octavo diario de interés general de España. Está escrito principalmente en español, con el uso del gallego en las secciones culturales y de opinión[1].
Juan Fernández Latorre fundó La Voz de Galicia en 1882 como periódico republicano y progresista. Consolidado en la época republicana con una tirada de más de 20.000 ejemplares diarios, no fue hasta la década de 1960, cuando Santiago Rey Fernández-Latorre, nieto del fundador asumió la dirección, que La Voz comenzó su expansión.
En mayo de 2010, La Voz puso en marcha un canal de televisión digital terrestre, V Televisión. La Fundación Santiago Rey Fernández-Latorre gestiona, además del museo, los programas de Voz Natura y Prensa-Escuela.
En 1993 la tirada de La Voz era de 107.446 ejemplares[2][3] El periódico tenía una tirada de 111.000 ejemplares en 2003[4] La tirada de 2008 era de 103.341 ejemplares[5] Era de 94.844 ejemplares en 2011[6].
Latest news from galicia today
Founded in 1882, it is the parent company of the first Galician multimedia group, Corporación Voz de Galicia, which is present in all fields of communication and which includes, in addition to La Voz de Galicia, Radio Voz, Voz Audiovisual, Sondaxe, La Voz de Asturias, Canal Voz, Galicia Editorial, Distribuidora Gallega de Publicaciones.
The newspaper publishes thirteen daily editions, produced from twenty-six locations (delegations, sub-delegations and correspondents). Each edition has an interior booklet containing all the local information, a front page (front page) specific to each area and specific news of each area in the general body of the newspaper, especially in the sports section.
It can be verified that as of July 22, 2020, from its web page, it is not clearly indicated which are the paid contents (most of them) and which are not. Users cannot know either which comments have been published, nor is there any record of their history.[15]