La vanguardia en catala
la vanguardia barcelona
Las primeras declaraciones de Kyle Rittenhouse, de 18 años, acusado de ser exonerado por la muerte de dos manifestantes antirracistas en Kenoshoa van a ser, por descomposición, para la Fox y, en concreto, con Tucker…
La revolución permanente de Xile se prepara para hacer otro paso. Por mucho que las elecciones presidenciales de ayer estigmaticen los programas de la campaña social de octubre de 2019, el resultado…
El millón es de los jóvenes. Perdó por escribir una obviedad tan grande. No he dudado de que es así y que en este mundo de las juventudes parece que cada vegada ha menys espai per als que ja no ho som. Un aspecto…
La tecnología nos tiene paralizados al mig de la autopista. Enlluernats pels fars de les aplicacions, el món virtual, el líquid i gasós, mitges veritats, metaversos i altres foteses, només podem esperar…
Salma Hayek, una de las figuras hispanas más importantes de Hollywood, se descobijó de su estrella en el Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood, en Los Ángeles, y dedicó este honor a los fans que,…
the international vanguard
But Colonel Ignacio Álvarez Thomas, head of the vanguard of the army, contacted envoys of Artigas and declared his rebellion against Alvear, refusing to use his own forces in a civil war.
He soon decided to put aside his economics studies for journalism and literature, and since then he has written for the newspapers Solidaridad Nacional, El Correo Catalán, TeleXpres, La Vanguardia (where between 1981 and 1994 he directed the Libros supplement) and collaborated in ABC and the magazines Siglo 20, Tele/Estel, Cavall Fort, Mundo and Destino.
Claire Goll (Nuremberg, Germany, October 29, 1890 – Paris, France, May 30, 1977), born Klara Liliane Aischmann, was a German-French journalist and writer, representative of the European world of avant-garde.
Taking advantage of the expectations created by the Press Law approved by Minister Manuel Fraga Iribarne, she started with a certain sensationalist character, for which reason she always had problems with Franco’s censorship and aroused the suspicion of the other Barcelona newspapers (El Correo Catalán and La Vanguardia).
ara cat
On the part of the central government, some classics are also recovered. Pedro Sánchez alluded this week from Galicia to his intention to install State agencies outside Madrid. The old idea of Pasqual Maragall, this time retouched to limit fires in the capital, since it is a question of decentralizing new entities, not of transferring the already existing ones.
But there are also significant changes. Distracted by the quarrels between the two partners of the Govern, we have not paid attention to a coincidence between ERC and Junts. Both have rejected a unilateral referendum in this legislature.
If it had been demanded by the central government as a condition to initiate a dialogue, both parties would have been entrenched. But it has been proposed by the CUP. And ERC has opted for abstention on the grounds that it does not want to set deadlines, while Junts has voted against with the justification that the 1-O is already valid. You can make up as you want, but both have refused to repeat the experience for a while. We must remember that we come from the declarations of sovereignty of the Parliament of 2013 and 2015, and the «referendum or referendum» with which Carles Puigdemont contained the CUP in 2016.
the political vanguard
Puigdemont’s message has achieved more than 4,000 retweets, more than 9,000 likes, and dozens of messages in which one reads, among other things, that Luna — sometimes quoted in the ultra blog Dolça Catalunya, close to Vox — is a «plasta», «slimy», «scum» and «macho misogynist». Others say that the text is «delirious and vomitous», and there are those who ask La Vanguardia «to expel the columnist». Even the journalist Pilar Carracelas, known for her pro-independence outbursts, has spoken out, although with a less aggressive tone than usual, and has limited herself to saying that it is «regrettable».