La caja rural de canarias
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Cajasiete – Caja Rural was created as a credit cooperative on May 6, 1962, by a group of agricultural cooperative members, with the aim of meeting the financing needs and the development of the agricultural sector, although it did not develop significantly until 1970.
The Cajasiete Pedro Modesto Campos Foundation, through the financing and collaboration with institutions and activities of social, cultural and sporting nature, constitutes a fundamental element of the social responsibility of Cajasiete with the Canary Islands archipelago.
In this Foundation the solidarity between people and organizations is a priority, and where the commitment with the community is one of the key values, being one of its objectives to safeguard in a sustainable way favorable living conditions.
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In this way, the relations with the different cooperatives of the archipelago will be strengthened, in order to transfer to them all the advantages they can benefit from having joined the leading entity, at national level, in the agricultural and agri-food sectors.
The assembly of Caja Rural de Canarias, which has appointed Francisco Brito Jiménez as president of the entity, has also approved the income statement and the management report presented by the Board of Directors corresponding to the 2012 financial year, in which it obtained a net result of 1.20 million Euros.
As of December 31, the entity had 112,803 clients, of which 24,958 were also members of the Canary Islands entity, whose capital stock amounted to 31.91 million euros. As regards results, the gross margin exceeded 40.75 million euros, 12.57% more than in 2011, and the operating margin increased by 41.01% to 14 million euros.
In addition, computable equity amounted to 88.85 million euros, while equity requirements totaled 60.76 million euros, showing a surplus of 28.09 million over such requirements (46.26% in relative terms).
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Financial, commercial and risk reports of CAJA RURAL DE CANARIAS SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA DE CREDITO, as well as all the contact information about CAJA RURAL DE CANARIAS SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA DE CREDITO: telephone, CIF, address,…
Caja Rural de Canarias Sociedad Cooperativa de Credito is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas. The share capital of this company is in the range of more than 1.000.000 ¤, with a number of employees between 11 and 50 and a sales amount between 3.000.001 and 50.000.000 ¤. It has 32 active corporate bodies and 130 historical corporate bodies.
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