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Hotmail com o hotmail es

Correo electrónico de outlook es una aplicación web de gestión de información personal de Microsoft que consta de servicios de correo web, calendario, contactos y tareas. Fundada en 1996 por Sabeer Bhatia y Jack Smith con el nombre de Hotmail, fue adquirida por Microsoft en 1997 por una cantidad estimada de 400 millones de dólares y relanzada como MSN Hotmail, posteriormente renombrada como Windows Live Hotmail como parte de la suite de productos Windows Live[1][2] Microsoft eliminó Hotmail en octubre de 2011,[3][4][5] relanzando el servicio como en 2012.

El servicio Hotmail fue fundado por Sabeer Bhatia y Jack Smith, y fue uno de los primeros servicios de correo web en Internet junto con RocketMail de Four11 (más tarde Yahoo! Mail)[6][7] Se lanzó comercialmente el 4 de julio de 1996, simbolizando la «libertad» del correo electrónico basado en los ISP[8] y la capacidad de acceder a la bandeja de entrada de un usuario desde cualquier parte del mundo. El nombre «Hotmail» se eligió entre muchas posibilidades que terminaban en «-mail», ya que incluía las letras HTML, el lenguaje de marcado utilizado para crear páginas web (para enfatizarlo, la tipografía original era «HoTMaiL»). El límite de almacenamiento gratuito era de 2 MB.[9] Hotmail fue respaldado inicialmente por la empresa de capital riesgo Draper Fisher Jurvetson. En diciembre de 1997, contaba con más de 8,5 millones de suscriptores[10]. Inicialmente, Hotmail funcionaba con Solaris para los servicios de correo y con Apache en FreeBSD para los servicios web, antes de convertirse parcialmente a los productos de Microsoft,[11][12] utilizando los Servicios de Windows para UNIX en la ruta de migración[13].

Hotmail sign up

Although Hotmail is currently a secondary address for a Microsoft that now gives priority to the Outlook domain, you can still create a new account using the domain. To do this, go to the website, in the field under Create account type the name of an account using You can also click on the Get a new e-mail address button.

Next, the process will ask you to enter your first and last name. Note that this will create a Microsoft account, so you may want to give your real name. However this is not necessary, and you will always have the option to put a non-real one and change it later if you need to start using your account seriously or buy things with it. Type in the data you deem appropriate and click the Continue button.

After the name, Microsoft will also ask you for some details such as your country and date of birth. Here again, you can enter real data or not depending on what you are going to use the account for. Here enter the date and click the Continue button.

Msn hotmail

You may be thinking about opening an email in Hotmail, that is why, in this space, we will tell you about the main features of this versatile application and how you can access it.

The support for recipients is very good, since it has a customer service section that responds quickly to requests. In addition, it links very easily to other applications such as Skype, X Box Live, among others, with access 24 hours a day.

The organization of its folders: its vision is simple and intuitive. For the convenience of users, when entering the session you can see a very simple toolbar divided into folders. In addition, you can add subfolders in the «add new folder» section. This way you keep the desktop organization as you prefer.

Very advanced and secure rules: you can configure the action of the emails, as soon as you receive them in the inbox. For example, you can move a specific message, delete it, classify it as spam, among other actions; all to keep your mail more organized.

Hotmail email

One Drive is the new way to access your old Hotmail account with great new features such as sharing documents, videos, images from any platform including Outlook. Once you have created your account you will be able to view it in the icon bar and it will allow you to share any type of files or documents without having to load them in a pendrive. To use it you only need to be connected to the Internet from any device and enter through procedure to create hotmail email.

With the same Microsoft user you use to log in to you will also be able to immediately open your session in OneDrive. There you can manage your file folders, photos, audios or videos. The desktop version of Hotmail inbox offers you a space of 7 GB to store an infinite number of files, and to have a backup copy of the documents you want to save.