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the herald
For the 1946 presidential elections, liberalism arrived at the polls divided into two camps: the officialist one, with Gabriel Turbay, candidate supported by the director of the party (who was Eduardo Santos himself) and therefore had the support of El Tiempo, and the dissident sector, led by Jorge Eliécer Gaitán.[19] To celebrate the 25,000th edition, the so-called «Cápsula de El Tiempo» was created, an airtight device in which 1408 elements belonging to the daily life of the twentieth century were deposited in a hermetic device.
To celebrate the 25 thousandth edition, the so-called «Cápsula de El Tiempo» was created, a hermetic device in which 1408 elements belonging to the daily life of the 20th century were deposited, delivered by citizens from all over the country. The capsule was buried in the building’s garden on March 3, 1983,[79] and should be opened in July 2052, when El Tiempo reaches its 50,000th edition. As a curious fact, President Belisario Betancur failed to activate the closing mechanism. In order to respect the protocol, it was necessary to wait for the guests to leave, and at dawn, the capsule was extracted, nitrogen and argon were injected, sealed and buried again under concrete.[80] The capsule was buried under concrete.